Tuesday, February 27, 2007



1. “Public Administration is detailed and systematic application of law. Every particular application of law is an act of administration”. This definition was given by
(a) Henry Fayol (b) W F Willoughby
(c) Woodrow Wilson (d) Z A Veig

2. Which among the following is NOT one of the areas of concern for the discipline of Public Administration?
(a) Policy making
(b) Public Bureaucracy
(c) Both the process of administration and the substantive concerns
(d) Corporate Sector which is not dependent on governmental funding

3. “If a civilization fails it will be mainly because of the breakdown of administration”. The above statement was made by

(a) Chester Bernard
(b) Waldo
(c) W B Dohlam
(d) L D White

4. Which among the following distinguish public administration from private administration?

1. Political environment
2. increasing scope and complexity of functions
3. principles of organization

(a) 1 and 2 only
(b) 2 and 3 only
(c) 1 and 3 only
(d) all of the above

5. Which of the following are similar to public and private administration?

1. principles of administration
2. emergence of public corporations
3. public accountability

(a) 1 and 3 only
(b) 2 and 3 only
(c) 1 and 2 only
(d) all of the above

6. Match List I with List II and select the correct answer.

List I List II
(Author) (Definition)

1. Appleby a. “one of the most pressing needs of PA is to reinforce its re-
inforce its dedication to its primary political role as an agency
of unity and justice”
2. L Urwick b. “the more one succeeds in Non-Government fields , the more
unfit he becomes in PA”
3. F M Marx c. “It is difficult to contemplate seriously a biochemistry of
bankers, a phraseology of professors as a psychopathology of
of politicians”

(a) 1-a 2-b 3-c
(b) 1-b 2-c 3-a
(c) 1-b 2-a 3-c
(d) 1-c 2-b 3-a

7. Which among the following is NOT true? A state pursuing ‘good governance’ would

(a) reduce government in size and functions
(b) privatize state and para-statal enterprises
(c) enhance economic controls
(d) promote independent and effective judiciary

8. “Public Choice Theory is the application of classical economic methods of analysis to political and administrative systems”. The above definition was given by

(a) Tullock
(b) Niskanen
(c) Corbett
(d) Peter Self

9. The New Right Philosophy advocated

(a) Increasing role for government and increasing role for markets
(b) Minimum role for government and minimum role for markets
(c) Increasing role for government and minimum role for markets
(d) Minimum role for government and increasing role for markets

10. Which among the following is NOT one of the features of Entrepreneurial government as envisaged by Osborne and Gaebler?

(a) Result-oriented government
(b) Market-oriented government
(c) Reactionary government
(d) Catalytic government

11. Which among the following countries was categorized as one of the countries with least emphasis on public management?

(a) USA
(b) Japan
(c) UK
(d) France

12. New Public Management is a constant confluence of
(a) Politics and Public Administration
(b) Sociology and Public Administration
(c) Management Science and Public Administration
(d) Biology and Public Administration

13. Which among the following is NOT one of the dimensions identified by Benn and Gaus to differentiate between public and private administration?
(a) Agency
(b) Interest
(c) Management
(d) Access

14. Match List I with List II and select the correct answer.

List I List II
A. M P Follet 1. Industrial and General Management
B. Willoughby 2. Creative Experience
C. Henry Fayol 3. Principles of Organization
D. Mooney & Reiley 4. Principles of Public Administration

(a) A-1 B-3 C-2 D-4
(b) A-2 B-4 C-3 D-1
(c) A-2 B-4 C-1 D-3
(d) A-4 B-2 C-1 D-3

(15) “Toward a New Public Administration. The Minnowbrook Perspective” was edited by
(a) Robert T Golembiewski
(b) Frank Marini
(c) Dwight Waldo
(d) Nigro

(16) “The state is everywhere; it leaves hardly a gap”. This explains the concept of

(a) welfare state
(b) democratic state
(c) federal state
(d) lessaiz faire state

(17) Which of the following is described as anti-bureaucratic, anti-positivist and anti-technical?
(a) Classical Theories of Administration
(b) Neo Classical Theories of Administration
(c) Development Administration
(d) New Public Administration

(18) Which of the following is incorrectly matched?
(a) F J Goodnow Politics and Administration (1900)
(b) Woodrow Wilson The State (1888)
(c) L D White Introduction to the Study of Public Administration (1926)
(d) Max Weber The Theory of social and Economic Organization

(19) Which of the following statements is NOT correct in respect of the public choice theory?
(a) It believes in the politics-administration dichotomy view
(b) It supports institutional pluralism in the provision of public services
(c) It is sympathetic to market forces
(d) It is a critique of the bureaucratic model of administration

(20) The claim that Public Administration is a science, was challenged by
(a) James G March
(b) Samuel Huntington
(c) Ferrel Heady
(d) Robert Dahl

Qns. 21 to 25 Assertion and Reason Pattern

Answer the following questions by using the codes given below:
(a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A
(b) Both A and R are true but R is not a correct explanation of A
(c) A is true but R is false
(d) A is false but R is true

21. Assertion (A) : Both Public and Private Administration operate in the same social environment.
Reason (R) : Pressure group activity is more intent in Public than Private Administration

22. Assertion (A) : Public Administration is an action oriented applied social science because it is engaged in the task of implementing Public Policies.
Reason (R) : The need to adopt management science and techniques for improving the skills of Public Administration can hardly be overemphasized.

23. Assertion (A) : Public Administration is characterized by the absence of profit motive.
Reason (R) : The basic aim of governmental activities is not to maximize profit, but to promote social welfare.

24. Assertion (A) : Developmental approach to the study of Public Administration emerged due to increased realization of the irrelevance of the western concepts in understanding the problems of the third world nations.
Reason (R) : Development approach aims at establishing propositions about administrative behaviour which transcend national boundaries.

25. Assertion: The study of Public Administration lacks cross-cultural concepts and principles for being able to be recognized as a science.
Reason (R) : Administrative culture cannot transcend national frontiers and national experiences.

(1) c
(2) d
(3) c
(4) a
(5) c
(6) b
(7) c
(8) c
(9) d
(10) c
(11) b
(12) c
(13) c
(14) c
(15) b
(16) c
(17) d
(18) b
(19) a
(20) d
(21) b
(22) b
(23) a
(24) c
(25) c

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